Hastings 4122
Nikau Hub
Room 6
Howard Street
Date: 24th may 2017
To Chris
I am writing this letter to say a big thank you for coming to camp kaitawa with RM 6. And another thank you for helping cook all of the food and set up all the activities. thank you for taking us on all of the walks. You are amazing for coming to camp kaitawa with us and giving up all of your time at work and energy. =) =)
One of my highlights was caving because in the weta sanitary cave i saw about 4 or 5 huge weta’s they were amazing there were million of weta eggs they were so ugly. I loved the lucky last cave was so challenging because there is lots of mud on the ground and the challenge was to try not to get your shoes dirty. But luckily there was two big sand stones and you had to shuffle along on the sand stone it was really challenging for me so i had to use my persevering muscle. But in the middle of the cave I fell into the mud so i walked the rest of the way.
Another highlight of mine was the amazing race because I liked how we hade to make waikaremoana with some twigs or sticks another thing in the amazing race was the wet or dry challenge you had to choose between wet or dry food mt tribe chose dry WET BIX The wet food was Soggy NOODLES the WET BIX where revolting they all got stuck in your mouth.
An interesting fact that i learnt was that back in the olden days that camp kaitawa was a school the boys cabin and the girls cabin was two separate classrooms. Another interesting fact is that the rata tree raps vines around some other trees.
Yours Sincerely
Pinenga rolls