Friday, November 18, 2016

Going Docking

                             Going Docking                                    
"Yay" I shouted in the car. We were going docking in Taihape. Docking is when you cut off the lambs tails.
“Mum are we nearly there yet” She said happily, "Only 5 minutes left. ”
Finally we were at the farm in Taihape. It was about 5.30pm when we there.

The next day we had to get up at 6.00am in the morning to go to the woolshed and start docking which is work. But first we had to wait for everyone to come. Finally, they arrived so we could start work right away. The first thing we did was set up all the equipment . And then we hopped on the motorbike and chased the lambs into the paddock.

We started lifting the lambs into the lamb slide so we could cut of the lambs tails. My Uncle Hemi squirted lamb blood at my face and even some got in my mouth. It was so yuck that i just had to say "Ooooooooooooo yuck, uncle Hemi."
It was the worst thing that had ever happened to me at the farm.
Any way after that  we had to pack up and go home because it started to rain a little bit and it was getting way too cold for all of us kids. We went home and the next day we went back to work.                      
What I found tricky was? The thing that made it tricky was knowing where to put the full stops.
One thing I got better with was adding paragraphs and adding full stops.
What helped to get better was reading through my writing.
Next time I will add more detail in my writing






  1. soz guys the page was to big

  2. hi Pinenga it's really funny when you said "yay I shouted in the car".In the reflection you should said one of the reflection.
